Adidas Футбольная Обувь F30.8 TRX TF 359024
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Adidas Футбольная Обувь F30.8 F30.8 TRX TF 359024
Футбольные Бутсы
Футбольные бутсы для игры на естественных жестких покрытиях.
- Верх из легких синтетических материалов.
- Закрытая шнуровка для большей площади контакта с мячом.
- Рельефная стелька и промежуточная подошва из ЭВА (ЭВА-этиленвинилацетат, легкий и упругий материал, обладающий хорошими амортизирующими свойствами) для устойчивости и комфорта.
- Подметка с профилем TRAXION® TF.
TraXion - Система расположения шипов на подметке. Элементы Traxion равномерно распределяют давление по всей поверхности подошвы и обеспечивают максимальное сцепление обуви с поверхностью. Это предает спортсменам устойчивость, ощущения комфорта и мягкости.
Turf (TF) – синтетические виды покрытий (ковры).
Цвет: Белый / Желтый / Черный
# 359024
Adidas Soccer Shoes F30.8 F30.8 TRX TF 359024
The object in soccer is to kick the ball, right? Why not provide your foot with the largest, best kicking surface possible? That means no laces of course, because those uneven laces give the top of your foot an inconsistency which can lead to some really unpredictable interactions with the ball. No laces would mean a slip-on cleat, a very rare thing for a very good reason. Odds are you'd run right out of it during the initial kick-off.
Maybe this all seems trivial, something you'd never worry about. It's something the shoe scientists at adidas contemplated for a probably unhealthy amount of time. How else could they have developed the brilliant +F30.8 TRX Turf men's soccer cleats with their innovative lace cover that allows you to lace up your cleats for a secure fit, but then cover those problematic shoe strings for a larger more uniform kicking area? It's an advantage that may seem small, but one you'll immediately appreciate when you get them on the field.
- Lightweight microfiber synthetic upper is soft and flexible
- Lace-up construction with a Velcro lace cover for an optimal fit
- Advanced lace cover design allows for a larger, more consistent kicking surface than a conventional cleat
- adidas-patented Traxion outsole design provides optimal grip on turf
- Split outsole provides better weight distribution and maximum flexibility
- EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) insole provides additional comfort and support
Colour: Yellow / White / Black
# 359024