Title Boxing Gloves Eternal Pro TETGV
Title Boxing Gloves Training Eternal Pro TETGV
Super shock absorbing multi-layer foam combination is professionally covered with durable top-grade leather to deliver uncompromised training results.
If you are seeking a pro training glove at an amateur cost, the Eternal gloves are your lasting option.
A moisture wicking inside liner helps repel sweat, while precision placed air holes help keep hands cool during training.
Extra thick and secure elastic wrap around wrist closure assures a hassle-free sparring session.
Discover the Eternal training gloves that leave a lasting impression.
Color: Black
Material: Leather
Sizes: 12, 14, 16, 18 oz
Option | Hook-and-Loop |
Brand | Title |
Color | Black |
Weight (KG) | 0.9 kg |
Material | Leather |
Weight (OZ) | 12 oz, 14 oz |