Fighttech ​Pliobox Safe Kit SJ4

Buy Fighttech ​Pliobox Safe Kit SJ4

article #SJ4
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Categories: Fighttech Functional Training   Фитнес Оборудование Тренажеры  

    Fighttech Pliobox Safe Kit SJ4

    Functional Workouts | Plyometric Boxes | Jumping on Tumba


    Safe plyometric boxes are used to perform box jumps and many other exercises in functional training.
    They are firm enough to do the exercise, but soft enough not to hurt your shins if you miss.
    You can adjust the height of the box so that athletes can either work at a given height or increase to a personal best.

    Safe plyoboxes include boxes with a height of 60 cm, 45 cm, 30 cm and 15 cm.
    They are installed on top of each other and secured with special valves so that they do not crumble during training.
    The cover of each plyobox has its own individual color - this allows trainers and athletes to more conveniently navigate with the height of the required box.

    # SJ4

    Product TypeHardware
    Weight (KG)15 kg