Corner & Fight Boxing Supplies
Keep your corner well-stocked with quality boxing supplies! Stock up on the items you use the most: Boxing Tape, Pre-Wrap, Instant Cold Pack, Petroleum Jelly, Latex Gloves, Corner Sponge, Super Cotton Boxing Swabs, Sport Bottle, Corner Jackets, No Swells, Gym Scale, Super Gauze, First Aid Kit, Punch Counter, Corner Scissors, Corner Bucket, Pro Style Corner Tote, Stop Watch, Ice Bag, Corner Towel, Pro-Flex Tape, and Gauze.
Pure Petroleum Jelly 49gr (1.75oz)
Gaponez Cutman Boxing Scissors GBCS
Adidas Water Bottle with Straw 1L adiCWB01
Everlast Boxing Gym Bottle Water EVBOT
Title Boxing Pro Style Water Bottle WBP-F
Title MMA Pro Water Bottle MMWBP
Ringside Ice Bag IB
Вазелин Густой Pure Petroleum Jelly 170gr (6oz)
Ringside Boxing Traditional No-Swell ES
Вазелин Густой Pure Petroleum Jelly 369gr (13oz)
Ringside Coaches Bag BB 12
Twins Boxing Stainless Steel No-Swell AL1
Ringside Boxing Professional Ice End-Swell IES 1
Cleto Reyes Boxing Stainless Steel No-Swell K400
Title Сумка Тренера/Катмена TBAG 5
Everlast Ice Bag EVIB1
Winning Vaseline F-51
Title Сумка Тренера/Катмена MMBAG 5
McDavid Medium Ice Bag (23cm) 200
McDavid Large Ice Bag (28cm) 201