Twins Skipping Rope SR-1

Buy Twins Skipping Rope SR-1

article #SR-1
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Categories: Twins Accessories   Skipping Rope   Skipping Ropes  

    Twins Skipping Rope SR-1


    Ideal for workouts.
    Rope Twins Special - white cord.
    Plastic cord with two wooden handles at the ends without bearings.

    It is used to strengthen the muscles of the legs, develop balance, speed and dexterity of movements.
    It is also used in many sports, including boxing, to train breathing and build endurance.
    The cavity inside the cord can be filled with water or sand to increase the weight of the rope and stress during training.
    The rope is made of a special transparent cord that prevents twisting.

    Country of origin: Thailand
    Length: 314cm
    Material: rubber cord, wood handles
    # SR-1

    Product TypeAccessories
    Weight (KG)0.51 kg