Madwave Swimming Stationary Trainer M0774 01

Buy Madwave Swimming Stationary Trainer M0774 01

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Categories: Madwave Swim Trainers   Swim Trainers  

    Madwave Swimming Stationary Trainer M0774 01

    Trainer | Sports Accessory | Waist Belt & Rubber Rope


    Designed for swimmer training in cramped conditions with a fixed position between dividing lanes.
    The simulator is a waist belt 1.1 m long with two latex cables on the sides 60 cm long.
    The elastic cables at the ends have 76cm adjustable straps with clips to attach them to the dividing tracks.
    Such a fastening is convenient because several athletes can work out at the same time on the same track with the STATIONARY TRAINER simulators at a certain distance from each other.
    The cables fix the swimmer in a stationary position in which he can practice all styles of swimming and which allows the coach to correctly assess the movement of the swimmer and make adjustments.
    Cables also work on resistance, which allows you to train strength and endurance.
    Resistance level from 3.6 to 10.8 kg.
    Not interchangeable.

    Resistance simulator - the simulator provides additional resistance in the water, allowing you to increase the swimmer's strength and endurance;
    Resistance - from 3.6 to 10.8 kg;
    Improve your technique - the simulator allows you to improve your technique by fixing the swimmer in a stationary position between the separating ropes;
    Compact - the simulator can easily fit into a bag or backpack for swimming.

    Material: nylon, polypropylene, latex
    Weight: 0.515kg
    Dimensions: 0.24x014x0.07m
    # M0774 01

    Product TypeAccessories
    Weight (KG)0.515 kg